

The NDData class is a container for gridded N-dimensional data. It has a data attribute, which can be any object that presents an array-like interface, and optional attributes:

  • meta, for metadata
  • unit for the data unit
  • uncertainty for the uncertainty of the data (which could be standard deviation, variance or something else),
  • mask for the data
  • wcs, representing the relationship between data and world coordinates.

Of these, only mask and uncertainty may be changed after the NDData object is created.


An NDData object can be instantiated by passing it an n-dimensional Numpy array:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> from astropy.nddata import NDData
>>> array = np.zeros((12, 12, 12))  # a 3-dimensional array with all zeros
>>> ndd = NDData(array)

Note that the data in ndd is a reference to the original array, so changing the data in ndd will change the corresponding data in array in most circumstances.

An NDData object can also be instantiated by passing it an NDData object:

>>> ndd1 = NDData(array)
>>> ndd2 = NDData(ndd1)

As above, the data in``ndd2`` is a reference to the data in ndd1, so changes to one will affect the other.

It can also be instantiated by passing in an object that can be converted to a numpy numerical array:

>>> ndd3 = NDData([1, 2, 3, 4])

The final way to instantiate an NDData object is with a data object that presents a numpy array-like interface. If the object passed to the intializer has all three of the attributes shape, __getitem__ (so it is indexable) and __array__ (so that it can act like a numpy array in expression) then the data attribute will be set to that object.

The purpose of this mechanism is to allow considerable flexibility in the objects used to store the data while providing a useful to default (numpy array).


Values can be masked using the mask attribute. One straightforward way to provide a mask is to use a boolean numpy array:

>>> ndd_masked = NDData(ndd, mask = ndd.data > 0.9)

Another is to simply initialize an NDData object with a masked numpy array:

>>> masked_array = np.ma.array([1, 2, 3, 4], mask=[1, 0, 0, 1])
>>> ndd_masked = NDData(masked_array)
>>> ndd_masked.mask
array([ True, False, False,  True], dtype=bool)

A mask value of True indicates a value that should be ignored, while a mask value of False indicates a valid value.

There is no requirement that the mask actually be a numpy array; for example, a function which evaluates a mask value as needed is acceptable as long as it follows the convention that True indicates a value that should be ignored.


The unit of the data can be set by either explicitly providing an astropy unit when creating the NDData object:

>>> import astropy.units as u
>>> ndd_unit = NDData([1, 2, 3, 4], unit="meter")
>>> ndd_unit.unit

or by initializing with data that is an astropy Quantity:

>>> q = [1, 2, 3, 4] * u.meter
>>> ndd_unit2 = NDData(q)
>>> ndd_unit2.unit


NDData objects have an uncertainty attribute that can be used to set the uncertainty on the data values. The uncertainty must have an attribute uncertainty_type otherwise it is wrapped inside an UnknownUncertainty.

While not a requirement, the following uncertainty_type strings are strongly recommended for common ways of specifying normal distributions:

  • "std": if uncertainty stores the standard deviation/sigma (either a single value or on a per-pixel basis).
  • "var": if uncertainty stores the variance (either a single value or on a per-pixel basis).
  • "ivar": if uncertainty stores the inverse variance (either a single value or on a per-pixel basis).


For information on creating your own uncertainty classes, see Subclassing.


The NDData class includes a meta attribute that defaults to an empty ordered dictionary, and can be used to set overall meta- data for the dataset:

ndd.meta['exposure_time'] = 340.
ndd.meta['filter'] = 'J'

Elements of the meta-data dictionary can be set to any valid Python object:

ndd.meta['history'] = ['calibrated', 'aligned', 'flat-fielded']

The metadata can be any python object that presents a dict-like interface. For example, a FITS header can be used as the metadata:

>>> from astropy.io import fits
>>> header = fits.Header()
>>> header['observer'] = 'Edwin Hubble'
>>> ndd = NDData(np.zeros([10, 10]), meta=header)
>>> ndd.meta['observer']
'Edwin Hubble'


At the moment the wcs attribute can be set to any object, though in the future it may be restricted to an WCS object once a generalized WCS object is developed.

Initialization with copy

The default way to create an NDData instance is to try saving the parameters as reference rather than as copy. Sometimes this is not possible because the internal mechanics doesn’t allow for this. For example if the data is a list then during initialization this is copied while converting to a ndarray. But it is also possible to enforce copies during initialization by setting the copy parameter to True:

>>> array = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4])
>>> ndd = NDData(array)
>>> ndd.data[2] = 10
>>> array[2]  # Original array is changed
>>> ndd2 = NDData(array, copy=True)
>>> ndd2.data[2] = 3
>>> array[2]  # Original array is not changed.

Conflicting parameters

It is possible to initialize NDData with an explicit parameter in the initialization call and an implicit one in the data parameter. If such a combination is detected a warning is issued and the explicit parameter is kept (without any attempt of conversion).

For example with quantities:

>>> import astropy.units as u
>>> quantity = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4]) * u.m
>>> ndd = NDData(quantity, unit="cm")  # Explicit unit is cm and implicit is m, keep explicit.
INFO: Overwriting Quantity's current unit with specified unit [astropy.nddata.nddata]
>>> ndd.unit

But this can affect the mask if the data parameter is a MaskedArray or even all attributes if the data is another NDData instance.

Converting to Numpy arrays

Data should be accessed through the data attribute:

>>> array = np.asarray(ndd.data)

Though using np.asarray is not required it will ensure that an additional copy of the data is not made if the data is a numpy array.

Note that if the data is masked you must explicitly construct a numpy masked array like this:

>>> input_array = np.ma.array([1, 2, 3, 4], mask=[1, 0, 0, 1])
>>> ndd_masked = NDData(input_array)
>>> masked_array = np.ma.array(ndd_masked.data, mask=ndd_masked.mask)