
class astropy.vo.samp.SAMPHubServer(secret=None, addr=None, port=0, lockfile=None, timeout=0, client_timeout=0, mode=u'single', label=u'', https=False, key_file=None, cert_file=None, cert_reqs=0, ca_certs=None, ssl_version=None, web_profile=True, web_profile_dialog=None, web_port=21012, pool_size=20)[source] [edit on github]

Bases: object

SAMP Hub Server.

The SSL parameters are usable only if Python has been compiled with SSL support and/or ssl module is installed (available by default since Python 2.6).


secret : str, optional

The secret code to use for the SAMP lockfile. If none is is specified, the uuid.uuid1() function is used to generate one.

addr : str, optional

Listening address (or IP). This defaults to if the internet is not reachable, otherwise it defaults to the host name.

port : int, optional

Listening XML-RPC server socket port. If left set to 0 (the default), the operating system will select a free port.

lockfile : str, optional

Custom lockfile name.

timeout : int, optional

Hub inactivity timeout. If timeout > 0 then the Hub automatically stops after an inactivity period longer than timeout seconds. By default timeout is set to 0 (Hub never expires).

client_timeout : int, optional

Client inactivity timeout. If client_timeout > 0 then the Hub automatically unregisters the clients which result inactive for a period longer than client_timeout seconds. By default client_timeout is set to 0 (clients never expire).

mode : str, optional

Defines the Hub running mode. If mode is 'single' then the Hub runs using the standard .samp lock-file, having a single instance for user desktop session. Otherwise, if mode is 'multiple', then the Hub runs using a non-standard lock-file, placed in .samp-1 directory, of the form samp-hub-<UUID>, where <UUID> is a unique UUID assigned to the hub.

label : str, optional

A string used to label the Hub with a human readable name. This string is written in the lock-file assigned to the hub.label token.

https : bool, optional

Set the Hub running on a Secure Sockets Layer connection (HTTPS). By default SSL is disabled.

key_file : str, optional

The path to a file containing the private key for SSL connections. If the certificate file (cert_file) contains the private key, then key_file can be omitted.

cert_file : str, optional

The path to a file containing a certificate to be used to identify the local side of the secure connection.

cert_reqs : int, optional

The parameter cert_reqs specifies whether a certificate is required from the client side of the connection, and whether it will be validated if provided. It must be one of the three values ssl.CERT_NONE (certificates ignored), ssl.CERT_OPTIONAL (not required, but validated if provided), or ssl.CERT_REQUIRED (required and validated). If the value of this parameter is not ssl.CERT_NONE, then the ca_certs parameter must point to a file of CA certificates.

ca_certs : str, optional

The path to a file containing a set of concatenated “Certification Authority” certificates, which are used to validate the certificate passed from the Hub end of the connection.

ssl_version : int, optional

The ssl_version option specifies which version of the SSL protocol to use. Typically, the server chooses a particular protocol version, and the client must adapt to the server’s choice. Most of the versions are not interoperable with the other versions. If not specified, the default SSL version is taken from the default in the installed version of the Python standard ssl library. See the ssl documentation for more information.

web_profile : bool, optional

Enables or disables the Web Profile support.

web_profile_dialog : class, optional

Allows a class instance to be specified using web_profile_dialog to replace the terminal-based message with e.g. a GUI pop-up. Two queue.Queue instances will be added to the instance as attributes queue_request and queue_result. When a request is received via the queue_request queue, the pop-up should be displayed, and a value of True or False should be added to queue_result depending on whether the user accepted or refused the connection.

web_port : int, optional

The port to use for web SAMP. This should not be changed except for testing purposes, since web SAMP should always use port 21012.

pool_size : int, optional

The number of socket connections opened to communicate with the clients.

Attributes Summary

id The unique hub ID.
is_running Return an information concerning the Hub running status.
params The hub parameters (which are written to the logfile)

Methods Summary

get_mtype_subtypes(mtype) Return a list containing all the possible wildcarded subtypes of MType.
start([wait]) Start the current SAMP Hub instance and create the lock file.
stop() Stop the current SAMP Hub instance and delete the lock file.

Attributes Documentation


The unique hub ID.


Return an information concerning the Hub running status.


running : bool

Is the hub running?


The hub parameters (which are written to the logfile)

Methods Documentation

static get_mtype_subtypes(mtype)[source] [edit on github]

Return a list containing all the possible wildcarded subtypes of MType.


mtype : str

MType to be parsed.


types : list

List of subtypes


>>> from astropy.vo.samp import SAMPHubServer
>>> SAMPHubServer.get_mtype_subtypes("")
['', '*', 'samp.*', '*']
start(wait=False)[source] [edit on github]

Start the current SAMP Hub instance and create the lock file. Hub start-up can be blocking or non blocking depending on the wait parameter.


wait : bool

If True then the Hub process is joined with the caller, blocking the code flow. Usually True option is used to run a stand-alone Hub in an executable script. If False (default), then the Hub process runs in a separated thread. False is usually used in a Python shell.

stop()[source] [edit on github]

Stop the current SAMP Hub instance and delete the lock file.