Source code for astropy.nddata.nduncertainty

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst

from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,

import numpy as np
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractproperty, abstractmethod
from copy import deepcopy

# from ..utils.compat import ignored
from .. import log
from ..units import Unit, Quantity
from ..extern import six
from ..utils import format_doc

__all__ = ['MissingDataAssociationException',
           'IncompatibleUncertaintiesException', 'NDUncertainty',
           'StdDevUncertainty', 'UnknownUncertainty']

# Make a placeholder for the different uncertainty propagation methods.
_propagate_doc = """
Propagate uncertainties for {operation}.

other_uncert : `{instance}`
    The data for the uncertainty of b in a {operator} b
result_data : `~numpy.ndarray` instance or `~astropy.units.Quantity`
    The data array that is the result of the {operation}.
correlation: number or `~numpy.ndarray`
    Array or scalar representing the correlation. Must be 0 if the subclass
    does not support correlated uncertainties.

result_uncertainty : {instance} instance
    The resulting uncertainty

    Raised if the uncertainty arrays or resulting data cannot be used together
    for the arithmetic operation (not broadcastable) or conflicting units.

Handling units (especially if the differ from the parents unit) is done in here
but be aware that since there are no checks for the unit, incorrect
assigned units may break the uncertainty propagation even if the resulting data
(with units) can be computed.

[docs]class IncompatibleUncertaintiesException(Exception): """ This exception should be used to indicate cases in which uncertainties with two different classes can not be propagated. """
[docs]class MissingDataAssociationException(Exception): """ This exception should be used to indicate that an uncertainty instance has not been associated with a parent `~astropy.nddata.NDData` object. """
[docs]class NDUncertainty(object): """ This is the base class for uncertainty classes used with NDData. Parameters ---------- array: any type, optional The array or value (the parameter name is due to historical reasons) of the uncertainty. `~numpy.ndarray`, `~astropy.units.Quantity` or `NDUncertainty` subclasses are recommended. If the `array` is `list`-like or `~numpy.ndarray`-like it will be cast to a base `~numpy.ndarray`. Default is ``None``. unit: `~astropy.units.Unit` or str, optional The unit of the uncertainty ``array``. If input is a string this will be converted to an `~astropy.units.Unit`. Default is ``None``. copy : `bool`, optional Save the array as copy or as reference. ``True`` copies the uncertainty array before saving it while ``False`` tries to save it as reference. Note however that it is not always possible to save is as reference. Default is ``True``. Raises ------ IncompatibleUncertaintiesException If given another `NDUncertainty`-like class as ``array`` if their ``uncertainty_type`` is not the same. Notes ----- 1. NDUncertainty is an abstract class and should *never* be instantiated directly. 2. NDUncertainty takes a ``unit`` parameter and if the `array` is something with a unit (like a `~astropy.units.Quantity` or another `NDUncertainty`) the `unit` parameter is considered the true unit of the `NDUncertainty` instance and a warning is issued that the unit is overwritten. *No* conversion is done while overwriting the unit so the uncertainty ``array`` is not altered. 3. NDUncertainty provides a :meth:``__getitem__`` method so slicing is in theory supported but that relies on the `array` being something that actually can be sliced. 4. Subclasses need to define: - property ``uncertainty_type`` which should be a small string defining the kind of uncertainty. Recommened is ``std`` for standard deviation ``var`` for variance (following the ``numpy`` conventions). - :meth:`_propagate_add` and similar ones which takes the uncertainty of the other element and the resulting data (or quantity) and calculates the array (or quantity) which represents the resulting uncertainty. - Most of the time a subclasses will need to extend or override the :meth:`NDUncertainty._convert_uncertainty`. This method is responsible for checking that the other uncertainty has a class that can be used for uncertainty propagation. (`NDUncertainty` only checks that it is another instance or subclass of `NDUncertainty`). For subclasses that cannot propagate with arbitary other uncertainties they should check that the other uncertainty has the same class as they are *or* convert it to such a class. (Handling units should be part of the ``_propagate_*`` methods and *NOT* done in there). - The :meth:`NDUncertainty.propagate` method should only be overriden if one wants to allow other operations than ``addition``, ``subtraction``, ``multiplication`` or ``division``. This function is the common entry point of any arithmetic computation that tries to propagate uncertainties and is responsible for calling the appropriate ``_propagate_*`` method and then returns another instance of the same class with the results uncertainty. 5. `NDUncertainty` and it's subclasses can only be used for uncertainty propagation if their ``parent_nddata`` attribute is a reference to the `NDData` object. This is needed since many kinds of propagation need the actual data besides the uncertainty. 6. If a ``unit`` is implicit (``data`` had a unit) or explicitly passed to the ``__init__`` one should be sure that this unit is identical or convertable to the unit of the parent. Otherwise uncertainty propagation should fail. """ def __init__(self, array=None, unit=None, copy=True): if isinstance(array, NDUncertainty): # Given an NDUncertainty class or subclass check that the type # is the same. if array.uncertainty_type != self.uncertainty_type: raise IncompatibleUncertaintiesException # Check if two units are given and take the explicit one then. if (unit is not None and array.unit is not None and unit != array.unit): # TODO : Clarify it (see NDData.init for same problem)?"Overwriting Uncertainty's current " "unit with specified unit") elif array.unit is not None: unit = array.unit array = array.array elif isinstance(array, Quantity): # Check if two units are given and take the explicit one then. if (unit is not None and array.unit is not None and unit != array.unit):"Overwriting Quantity's current " "unit with specified unit") elif array.unit is not None: unit = array.unit array = array.value if unit is None: self._unit = None else: self._unit = Unit(unit) if copy: array = deepcopy(array) unit = deepcopy(unit) self.array = array self.parent_nddata = None # no associated NDData - until it is set! @abstractproperty def uncertainty_type(self): """ `str`: Short description which kind of uncertainty is saved. Defined as abstract property so subclasses *have* to override this and return a string. """ return None @property def supports_correlated(self): """ `bool`: Supports uncertainty propagation with correlated uncertainties? """ return False @property def array(self): """ `numpy.ndarray`: the uncertainty's value. """ return self._array @array.setter def array(self, value): if isinstance(value, (list, np.ndarray)): value = np.array(value, subok=False, copy=False) self._array = value @property def unit(self): """ `~astropy.units.Unit`: The unit of the uncertainty. Even though it is not enforced the unit should be convertable to the ``parent_nddata`` unit. Otherwise uncertainty propagation might give wrong results. If the unit is not set the unit of the parent will be returned. """ if self._unit is None: if (self._parent_nddata is None or self.parent_nddata.unit is None): return None else: return self.parent_nddata.unit return self._unit @property def parent_nddata(self): """ `NDData` reference: The `NDData` whose uncertainty this is. In case the reference is not set uncertainty propagation will not be possible since almost all kinds of propagation need the uncertain data besides the uncertainty. """ message = "Uncertainty is not associated with an NDData object" try: if self._parent_nddata is None: raise MissingDataAssociationException(message) else: return self._parent_nddata except AttributeError: raise MissingDataAssociationException(message) @parent_nddata.setter def parent_nddata(self, value): self._parent_nddata = value def __getitem__(self, item): """ Simple slicing is allowed and returns a reference *not* a copy. This assimilates numpy slicing. """ return self.__class__(self.array[item], unit=self.unit, copy=False)
[docs] def propagate(self, operation, other_nddata, result_data, correlation): """ Calculate the resulting uncertainty given an operation on the data. Parameters ---------- operation: callable The operation that is performed on the `NDData`. Supported are `numpy.add`, `numpy.subtract`, `numpy.multiply` and `numpy.true_divide`. other_nddata: `NDData` instance The second NDData in the arithmetic operation. result_data: `~numpy.ndarray` or `~astropy.units.Quantity` The result of the arithmetic operations. This saves some duplicate calculations. correlation: number or `~numpy.ndarray` The correlation (rho) is defined between the uncertainties in sigma_AB = sigma_A * sigma_B * rho. A value of ``0`` means uncorrelated operands. Returns ------- resulting_uncertainty: `NDUncertainty` instance Another instance of the same `NDUncertainty` subclass containing the uncertainty of the result. Raises ------ ValueError: If the ``operation`` is not supported or if correlation is not zero but the subclass does not support correlated uncertainties. Notes ----- This method at first tries to convert the ``uncertainty`` of the other operand to a `NDUncertainty` subclass that is useable for uncertainty propagation (this check and optional conversion is done in :meth:`NDUncertainty._convert_uncertainty`) and then the appropriate ``_propagate_*`` method for calculating the resulting uncertainty is invoked. Afterwards this function wraps it into another instance of `NDUncertainty` and returns it. """ # Check if the subclass supports correlation if not self.supports_correlated: if isinstance(correlation, np.ndarray) or correlation != 0: raise ValueError("{0} does not support uncertainty propagation" " with correlation." "".format(self.__class__.__name__)) # Get the other uncertainty (and convert it to a matching one) other_uncert = self._convert_uncertainty(other_nddata.uncertainty) if operation.__name__ == 'add': result = self._propagate_add(other_uncert, result_data, correlation) elif operation.__name__ == 'subtract': result = self._propagate_subtract(other_uncert, result_data, correlation) elif operation.__name__ == 'multiply': result = self._propagate_multiply(other_uncert, result_data, correlation) elif operation.__name__ in ['true_divide', 'divide']: result = self._propagate_divide(other_uncert, result_data, correlation) else: raise ValueError('Unsupported operation') return self.__class__(result, copy=False)
def _convert_uncertainty(self, other_uncert): """ Checks if the uncertainties are compatible for propagation. Checks if the other uncertainty is `NDUncertainty`-like and if so verify that the uncertainty_type is equal. If the latter is not the case try returning ``self.__class__(other_uncert)``. Parameters ---------- other_uncert: `NDUncertainty` subclass The other uncertainty Returns ------- other_uncert: `NDUncertainty` subclass but converted to a compatible `NDUncertainty` subclass if possible and necessary. Raises ------ IncompatibleUncertaintiesException: If the other uncertainty cannot be converted to a compatible `NDUncertainty` subclass. """ if isinstance(other_uncert, NDUncertainty): if self.uncertainty_type == other_uncert.uncertainty_type: return other_uncert else: return self.__class__(other_uncert) else: raise IncompatibleUncertaintiesException @abstractmethod @format_doc(_propagate_doc, operation='addition', operator='+', instance='NDUncertainty') def _propagate_add(self, other_uncert, result_data, correlation): return None @abstractmethod @format_doc(_propagate_doc, operation='subtraction', operator='-', instance='NDUncertainty') def _propagate_subtract(self, other_uncert, result_data, correlation): return None @abstractmethod @format_doc(_propagate_doc, operation='multiplication', operator='*', instance='NDUncertainty') def _propagate_multiply(self, other_uncert, result_data, correlation): return None @abstractmethod @format_doc(_propagate_doc, operation='divison', operator='/', instance='NDUncertainty') def _propagate_divide(self, other_uncert, result_data, correlation): return None
[docs]class UnknownUncertainty(NDUncertainty): """ This implements any kind of unknown uncertainty type. The main purpose of having an unknown uncertainty class is to prevent uncertainty propagation since this is not clearly defined without giving a type. Parameters ---------- see `NDUncertainty` """ @property def supports_correlated(self): """ `False`: No uncertainty propagation is not possible for this class. """ return False @property def uncertainty_type(self): """ `str`: ``'unknown'`` `UnknownUncertainty` implements any kind of unknown uncertainty type. """ return 'unknown' def _convert_uncertainty(other_uncert): """ Checks that the uncertainties are compatible for propagation. Since we don't know which kind of uncertainty is saved this method always raises an Exception. Parameters ---------- other_uncert: `NDUncertainty` subclass The other uncertainty Raises ------ IncompatibleUncertaintiesException: Always since we cannot propagate without knowing which kind of uncertainty is saved. """ msg = "Uncertainties of unknown type cannot be propagated." raise IncompatibleUncertaintiesException(msg) def _propagate_add(self, other_uncert, result_data, correlation): """Not possible for unknown uncertainty types.""" return None def _propagate_subtract(self, other_uncert, result_data, correlation): """Not possible for unknown uncertainty types.""" return None def _propagate_multiply(self, other_uncert, result_data, correlation): """Not possible for unknown uncertainty types.""" return None def _propagate_divide(self, other_uncert, result_data, correlation): """Not possible for unknown uncertainty types.""" return None
[docs]class StdDevUncertainty(NDUncertainty): """ A class for standard deviation uncertainty. This class implements uncertainty propagation for ``addition``, ``subtraction``, ``multiplication`` and ``division`` but only with other instances of `StdDevUncertainty`. The class can fully handle if the uncertainty has a unit that differs from (but is convertable to) the parents `NDData` unit but converts the unit of the propagated uncertainty to the unit of the resulting data. Also support for correlation is possible but that requires that the correlation is an input. It cannot handle correlation determination itself. Parameters ---------- see `NDUncertainty` """ @property def supports_correlated(self): """ `True`: `StdDevUncertainty` allows to propagate correlated uncertainties. But only if the ``correlation`` is given, this class does not implement computing it by itself. """ return True @property def uncertainty_type(self): """ `str`: ``'std'`` `StdDevUncertainty` implements standard deviation. """ return 'std' @format_doc(NDUncertainty._convert_uncertainty) def _convert_uncertainty(self, other_uncert): if isinstance(other_uncert, StdDevUncertainty): return other_uncert else: raise IncompatibleUncertaintiesException @format_doc(_propagate_doc, operation='addition', operator='+', instance='StdDevUncertainty') def _propagate_add(self, other_uncert, result_data, correlation): if self.array is None: # Formula: sigma = dB if other_uncert.unit is not None and ( result_data.unit != other_uncert.unit): # If the other uncertainty has a unit and this unit differs # from the unit of the result convert it to the results unit return (other_uncert.array * other_uncert.unit).to( result_data.unit).value else: # Copy the result because _propagate will not copy it but for # arithmetic operations users will expect copys. return deepcopy(other_uncert.array) elif other_uncert.array is None: # Formula: sigma = dA if self.unit is not None and self.unit != self.parent_nddata.unit: # If the uncertainty has a different unit than the result we # need to convert it to the results unit. return (self.array * self.unit).to(result_data.unit).value else: # Copy the result because _propagate will not copy it but for # arithmetic operations users will expect copys. return deepcopy(self.array) else: # Formula: sigma = sqrt(dA**2 + dB**2 + 2*cor*dA*dB) # Calculate: dA (this) and dB (other) if self.unit != other_uncert.unit: # In case the two uncertainties (or data) have different units # we need to use quantity operations. The case where only one # has a unit and the other doesn't is not possible with # addition and would have raised an exception in the data # computation this = self.array * self.unit other = other_uncert.array * other_uncert.unit else: # Since both units are the same or None we can just use # numpy operations this = self.array other = other_uncert.array # Determine the result depending on the correlation if isinstance(correlation, np.ndarray) or correlation != 0: corr = 2 * correlation * this * other result = np.sqrt(this**2 + other**2 + corr) else: result = np.sqrt(this**2 + other**2) if isinstance(result, Quantity): # In case we worked with quantities we need to return the # uncertainty that has the same unit as the resulting data if result.unit == result_data.unit: return result.value else: # Convert it to the data's unit and then drop the unit. return else: return result @format_doc(_propagate_doc, operation='subtraction', operator='-', instance='StdDevUncertainty') def _propagate_subtract(self, other_uncert, result_data, correlation): # Since the formulas are equivalent to addition you should look at the # explanations provided in _propagate_add if self.array is None: if other_uncert.unit is not None and ( result_data.unit != other_uncert.unit): return (other_uncert.array * other_uncert.unit).to( result_data.unit).value else: return deepcopy(other_uncert.array) elif other_uncert.array is None: if self.unit is not None and self.unit != self.parent_nddata.unit: return (self.array * self.unit).to(result_data.unit).value else: return deepcopy(self.array) else: # Formula: sigma = sqrt(dA**2 + dB**2 - 2*cor*dA*dB) if self.unit != other_uncert.unit: this = self.array * self.unit other = other_uncert.array * other_uncert.unit else: this = self.array other = other_uncert.array if isinstance(correlation, np.ndarray) or correlation != 0: corr = 2 * correlation * this * other # The only difference to addition is that the correlation is # subtracted. result = np.sqrt(this**2 + other**2 - corr) else: result = np.sqrt(this**2 + other**2) if isinstance(result, Quantity): if result.unit == result_data.unit: return result.value else: return else: return result @format_doc(_propagate_doc, operation='multiplication', operator='*', instance='StdDevUncertainty') def _propagate_multiply(self, other_uncert, result_data, correlation): # For multiplication we don't need the result as quantity if isinstance(result_data, Quantity): result_data = result_data.value if self.array is None: # Formula: sigma = |A| * dB # We want the result to have the same unit as the result so we # only need to convert the unit of the other uncertainty if it is # different from it's datas unit. if other_uncert.unit != other_uncert.parent_nddata.unit: other = (other_uncert.array * other_uncert.unit).to( other_uncert.parent_nddata.unit).value else: other = other_uncert.array return np.abs( * other) elif other_uncert.array is None: # Formula: sigma = dA * |B| # Just the reversed case if self.unit != self.parent_nddata.unit: this = (self.array * self.unit).to( self.parent_nddata.unit).value else: this = self.array return np.abs( * this) else: # Formula: sigma = |AB|*sqrt((dA/A)**2+(dB/B)**2+2*dA/A*dB/B*cor) # This formula is not very handy since it generates NaNs for every # zero in A and B. So we rewrite it: # Formula: sigma = sqrt((dA*B)**2 + (dB*A)**2 + (2 * cor * ABdAdB)) # Calculate: dA * B (left) if self.unit != self.parent_nddata.unit: # To get the unit right we need to convert the unit of # each uncertainty to the same unit as it's parent left = ((self.array * self.unit).to( self.parent_nddata.unit).value * else: left = self.array * # Calculate: dB * A (right) if other_uncert.unit != other_uncert.parent_nddata.unit: right = ((other_uncert.array * other_uncert.unit).to( other_uncert.parent_nddata.unit).value * else: right = other_uncert.array * if isinstance(correlation, np.ndarray) or correlation != 0: corr = (2 * correlation * left * right) return np.sqrt(left**2 + right**2 + corr) else: return np.sqrt(left**2 + right**2) @format_doc(_propagate_doc, operation='divison', operator='/', instance='StdDevUncertainty') def _propagate_divide(self, other_uncert, result_data, correlation): # For division we don't need the result as quantity if isinstance(result_data, Quantity): result_data = result_data.value if self.array is None: # Formula: sigma = |(A / B) * (dB / B)| # Calculate: dB / B (right) if other_uncert.unit != other_uncert.parent_nddata.unit: # We need (dB / B) to be dimensionless so we convert # (if necessary) dB to the same unit as B right = ((other_uncert.array * other_uncert.unit).to( other_uncert.parent_nddata.unit).value / else: right = (other_uncert.array / return np.abs(result_data * right) elif other_uncert.array is None: # Formula: sigma = dA / |B|. # Calculate: dA if self.unit != self.parent_nddata.unit: # We need to convert dA to the unit of A to have a result that # matches the resulting data's unit. left = (self.array * self.unit).to( self.parent_nddata.unit).value else: left = self.array return np.abs(left / else: # Formula: sigma = |A/B|*sqrt((dA/A)**2+(dB/B)**2-2*dA/A*dB/B*cor) # As with multiplication this formula creates NaNs where A is zero. # So I'll rewrite it again: # => sigma = sqrt((dA/B)**2 + (AdB/B**2)**2 - 2*cor*AdAdB/B**3) # So we need to calculate dA/B in the same units as the result # and the dimensionless dB/B to get a resulting uncertainty with # the same unit as the data. # Calculate: dA/B (left) if self.unit != self.parent_nddata.unit: left = ((self.array * self.unit).to( self.parent_nddata.unit).value / else: left = self.array / # Calculate: dB/B (right) if other_uncert.unit != other_uncert.parent_nddata.unit: right = ((other_uncert.array * other_uncert.unit).to( other_uncert.parent_nddata.unit).value / * result_data else: right = (result_data * other_uncert.array / if isinstance(correlation, np.ndarray) or correlation != 0: corr = 2 * correlation * left * right # This differs from multiplication because the correlation # term needs to be subtracted return np.sqrt(left**2 + right**2 - corr) else: return np.sqrt(left**2 + right**2)