Source code for astropy.modeling.rotations

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst

Implements rotations, including spherical rotations as defined in WCS Paper II

`RotateNative2Celestial` and `RotateCelestial2Native` follow the convention in
WCS Paper II to rotate to/from a native sphere and the celestial sphere.

The user interface sets and displays angles in degrees but the values are
stored internally in radians.  This is managed through the parameter

.. [1] Calabretta, M.R., Greisen, E.W., 2002, A&A, 395, 1077 (Paper II)

from __future__ import (absolute_import, unicode_literals, division,

import math

import numpy as np

from .core import Model
from .parameters import Parameter

__all__ = ['RotateCelestial2Native', 'RotateNative2Celestial', 'Rotation2D',

[docs]class EulerAngleRotation(Model): """ Implements Euler angle intrinsic rotations. Rotates one coordinate system into another (fixed) coordinate system. All coordinate systems are right-handed. The sign of the angles is determined by the right-hand rule.. Parameters ---------- phi, theta, psi : float "proper" Euler angles in deg axes_order : str A 3 character string, a combination of 'x', 'y' and 'z', where each character denotes an axis in 3D space. """ inputs = ('alpha', 'delta') outputs = ('alpha', 'delta') phi = Parameter(default=0, getter=np.rad2deg, setter=np.deg2rad) theta = Parameter(default=0, getter=np.rad2deg, setter=np.deg2rad) psi = Parameter(default=0, getter=np.rad2deg, setter=np.deg2rad) def __init__(self, phi, theta, psi, axes_order): self.axes = ['x', 'y', 'z'] if len(axes_order) != 3: raise TypeError( "Expected axes_order to be a character sequence of length 3," "got {0}".format(axes_order)) unrecognized = set(axes_order).difference(self.axes) if unrecognized: raise ValueError("Unrecognized axis label {0}; " "should be one of {1} ".format(unrecognized, self.axes)) self.axes_order = axes_order super(EulerAngleRotation, self).__init__(phi=phi, theta=theta, psi=psi) def _create_matrix(self, phi, theta, psi, axes_order): matrices = [] for angle, axis in zip([phi, theta, psi], axes_order): matrix = np.zeros((3, 3), dtype=np.float) if axis == 'x': mat = self._rotation_matrix_from_angle(angle) matrix[0, 0] = 1 matrix[1:, 1:] = mat elif axis == 'y': mat = self._rotation_matrix_from_angle(-angle) matrix[1, 1] = 1 matrix[0, 0] = mat[0, 0] matrix[0, 2] = mat[0, 1] matrix[2, 0] = mat[1, 0] matrix[2, 2] = mat[1, 1] elif axis == 'z': mat = self._rotation_matrix_from_angle(angle) matrix[2, 2] = 1 matrix[:2, :2] = mat else: raise ValueError("Expected axes_order to be a combination of characters" "'x', 'y' and 'z', got {0}".format( set(axes_order).difference(self.axes))) matrices.append(matrix) return[2],[1], matrices[0])) def _rotation_matrix_from_angle(self, angle): """ Clockwise rotation matrix. """ return np.array([[math.cos(angle), math.sin(angle)], [-math.sin(angle), math.cos(angle)]]) @staticmethod
[docs] def spherical2cartesian(alpha, delta): alpha = np.deg2rad(alpha) delta = np.deg2rad(delta) x = np.cos(alpha) * np.cos(delta) y = np.cos(delta) * np.sin(alpha) z = np.sin(delta) return np.array([x, y, z])
def inverse(self): return self.__class__(phi=-self.psi, theta=-self.theta, psi=-self.phi, axes_order=self.axes_order[::-1])
[docs] def evaluate(self, alpha, delta, phi, theta, psi): inp = self.spherical2cartesian(alpha, delta) matrix = self._create_matrix(phi, theta, psi, self.axes_order) result =, inp) return (np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(result[1], result[0])), np.rad2deg(np.arcsin(result[2])))
class _SkyRotation(Model): """ Base class for FITS WCS sky rotations. Parameters ---------- lon : float Celestial longitude of the fiducial point. lat : float Celestial latitude of the fiducial point. lon_pole : float Longitude of the celestial pole in the native system. """ lon = Parameter(default=0, getter=np.rad2deg, setter=np.deg2rad) lat = Parameter(default=0, getter=np.rad2deg, setter=np.deg2rad) lon_pole = Parameter(default=0, getter=np.rad2deg, setter=np.deg2rad) @staticmethod def _rotate_zxz(phi_i, theta_i, lon, lat, lon_pole): """ Defines a ZXZ rotation from initial coordinates phi_i, theta_i. All inputs and outputs are in radians. """ cos_theta_i = np.cos(theta_i) sin_theta_i = np.sin(theta_i) cos_lat = np.cos(lat) sin_lat = np.sin(lat) delta = phi_i - lon_pole cos_delta = np.cos(delta) phi_f = lon + np.arctan2(-cos_theta_i * np.sin(delta), sin_theta_i * cos_lat - cos_theta_i * sin_lat * cos_delta) theta_f = np.arcsin(sin_theta_i * sin_lat + cos_theta_i * cos_lat * cos_delta) return phi_f, theta_f
[docs]class RotateNative2Celestial(_SkyRotation): """ Transform from Native to Celestial Spherical Coordinates. Parameters ---------- lon : float Celestial longitude of the fiducial point. lat : float Celestial latitude of the fiducial point. lon_pole : float Longitude of the celestial pole in the native system. """ inputs = ('phi_N', 'theta_N') outputs = ('alpha_C', 'delta_C') @property def inverse(self): return RotateCelestial2Native(self.lon,, self.lon_pole) @classmethod
[docs] def evaluate(cls, phi_N, theta_N, lon, lat, lon_pole): """ Rotate native spherical coordinates into celestial coordinates. """ phi_N = np.deg2rad(phi_N) theta_N = np.deg2rad(theta_N) alpha_C, delta_C = cls._rotate_zxz(phi_N, theta_N, lon, lat, lon_pole) alpha_C = np.rad2deg(alpha_C) delta_C = np.rad2deg(delta_C) mask = alpha_C < 0 if isinstance(mask, np.ndarray): alpha_C[mask] += 360 elif mask: alpha_C += 360 return alpha_C, delta_C
[docs]class RotateCelestial2Native(_SkyRotation): """ Transform from Celestial to Native to Spherical Coordinates. Parameters ---------- lon : float Celestial longitude of the fiducial point. lat : float Celestial latitude of the fiducial point. lon_pole : float Longitude of the celestial pole in the native system. """ inputs = ('alpha_C', 'delta_C') outputs = ('phi_N', 'theta_N') @property def inverse(self): return RotateNative2Celestial(self.lon,, self.lon_pole) @classmethod
[docs] def evaluate(cls, alpha_C, delta_C, lon, lat, lon_pole): """ Rotate celestial coordinates into native spherical coordinates. This is the inverse transformation of RotateNative2Celestial. """ alpha_C = np.deg2rad(alpha_C) delta_C = np.deg2rad(delta_C) phi_N, theta_N = cls._rotate_zxz(alpha_C, delta_C, lon_pole, lat, lon) phi_N = np.rad2deg(phi_N) theta_N = np.rad2deg(theta_N) mask = phi_N > 180 if isinstance(mask, np.ndarray): phi_N[mask] -= 360 elif mask: phi_N -= 360 return phi_N, theta_N
[docs]class Rotation2D(Model): """ Perform a 2D rotation given an angle in degrees. Positive angles represent a counter-clockwise rotation and vice-versa. Parameters ---------- angle : float angle of rotation in deg """ inputs = ('x', 'y') outputs = ('x', 'y') angle = Parameter(default=0.0, getter=np.rad2deg, setter=np.deg2rad) @property def inverse(self): """Inverse rotation.""" return self.__class__(angle=-self.angle) @classmethod
[docs] def evaluate(cls, x, y, angle): """ Apply the rotation to a set of 2D Cartesian coordinates given as two lists--one for the x coordinates and one for a y coordinates--or a single coordinate pair. """ if x.shape != y.shape: raise ValueError("Expected input arrays to have the same shape") # Note: If the original shape was () (an array scalar) convert to a # 1-element 1-D array on output for consistency with most other models orig_shape = x.shape or (1,) inarr = np.array([x.flatten(), y.flatten()]) result =, inarr) x, y = result[0], result[1] x.shape = y.shape = orig_shape return x, y
@staticmethod def _compute_matrix(angle): return np.array([[math.cos(angle), -math.sin(angle)], [math.sin(angle), math.cos(angle)]], dtype=np.float64)