Source code for

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

from warnings import warn

import numpy as np
from .. import units as u
from ..extern import six
from ..utils.exceptions import AstropyUserWarning
from . import Longitude, Latitude
from .builtin_frames import ITRS
from .errors import UnknownSiteException

    # Not guaranteed available at setup time.
    from .. import _erfa as erfa
except ImportError:
    if not _ASTROPY_SETUP_:

__all__ = ['EarthLocation']

# Available ellipsoids (defined in erfam.h, with numbers exposed in erfa).
ELLIPSOIDS = ('WGS84', 'GRS80', 'WGS72')

def _check_ellipsoid(ellipsoid=None, default='WGS84'):
    if ellipsoid is None:
        ellipsoid = default
    if ellipsoid not in ELLIPSOIDS:
        raise ValueError('Ellipsoid {0} not among known ones ({1})'
                         .format(ellipsoid, ELLIPSOIDS))
    return ellipsoid

[docs]class EarthLocation(u.Quantity): """ Location on the Earth. Initialization is first attempted assuming geocentric (x, y, z) coordinates are given; if that fails, another attempt is made assuming geodetic coordinates (longitude, latitude, height above a reference ellipsoid). When using the geodetic forms, Longitudes are measured increasing to the east, so west longitudes are negative. Internally, the coordinates are stored as geocentric. To ensure a specific type of coordinates is used, use the corresponding class methods (`from_geocentric` and `from_geodetic`) or initialize the arguments with names (``x``, ``y``, ``z`` for geocentric; ``lon``, ``lat``, ``height`` for geodetic). See the class methods for details. Notes ----- This class fits into the coordinates transformation framework in that it encodes a position on the `~astropy.coordinates.ITRS` frame. To get a proper `~astropy.coordinates.ITRS` object from this object, use the ``itrs`` property. """ _ellipsoid = 'WGS84' _location_dtype = np.dtype({'names': ['x', 'y', 'z'], 'formats': [np.float64]*3}) _array_dtype = np.dtype((np.float64, (3,))) def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): try: self = cls.from_geocentric(*args, **kwargs) except (u.UnitsError, TypeError) as exc_geocentric: try: self = cls.from_geodetic(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as exc_geodetic: raise TypeError('Coordinates could not be parsed as either ' 'geocentric or geodetic, with respective ' 'exceptions "{0}" and "{1}"' .format(exc_geocentric, exc_geodetic)) return self @classmethod
[docs] def from_geocentric(cls, x, y, z, unit=None): """ Location on Earth, initialized from geocentric coordinates. Parameters ---------- x, y, z : `~astropy.units.Quantity` or array-like Cartesian coordinates. If not quantities, ``unit`` should be given. unit : `~astropy.units.UnitBase` object or None Physical unit of the coordinate values. If ``x``, ``y``, and/or ``z`` are quantities, they will be converted to this unit. Raises ------ astropy.units.UnitsError If the units on ``x``, ``y``, and ``z`` do not match or an invalid unit is given. ValueError If the shapes of ``x``, ``y``, and ``z`` do not match. TypeError If ``x`` is not a `~astropy.units.Quantity` and no unit is given. """ if unit is None: try: unit = x.unit except AttributeError: raise TypeError("Geocentric coordinates should be Quantities " "unless an explicit unit is given.") else: unit = u.Unit(unit) if unit.physical_type != 'length': raise u.UnitsError("Geocentric coordinates should be in " "units of length.") try: x = u.Quantity(x, unit, copy=False) y = u.Quantity(y, unit, copy=False) z = u.Quantity(z, unit, copy=False) except u.UnitsError: raise u.UnitsError("Geocentric coordinate units should all be " "consistent.") x, y, z = np.broadcast_arrays(x, y, z) struc = np.empty(x.shape, cls._location_dtype) struc['x'], struc['y'], struc['z'] = x, y, z return super(EarthLocation, cls).__new__(cls, struc, unit, copy=False)
[docs] def from_geodetic(cls, lon, lat, height=0., ellipsoid=None): """ Location on Earth, initialized from geodetic coordinates. Parameters ---------- lon : `~astropy.coordinates.Longitude` or float Earth East longitude. Can be anything that initialises an `~astropy.coordinates.Angle` object (if float, in degrees). lat : `~astropy.coordinates.Latitude` or float Earth latitude. Can be anything that initialises an `~astropy.coordinates.Latitude` object (if float, in degrees). height : `~astropy.units.Quantity` or float, optional Height above reference ellipsoid (if float, in meters; default: 0). ellipsoid : str, optional Name of the reference ellipsoid to use (default: 'WGS84'). Available ellipsoids are: 'WGS84', 'GRS80', 'WGS72'. Raises ------ astropy.units.UnitsError If the units on ``lon`` and ``lat`` are inconsistent with angular ones, or that on ``height`` with a length. ValueError If ``lon``, ``lat``, and ``height`` do not have the same shape, or if ``ellipsoid`` is not recognized as among the ones implemented. Notes ----- For the conversion to geocentric coordinates, the ERFA routine ``gd2gc`` is used. See """ ellipsoid = _check_ellipsoid(ellipsoid, default=cls._ellipsoid) lon = Longitude(lon,, wrap_angle=180*, copy=False) lat = Latitude(lat,, copy=False) # don't convert to m by default, so we can use the height unit below. if not isinstance(height, u.Quantity): height = u.Quantity(height, u.m, copy=False) # convert to float in units required for erfa routine, and ensure # all broadcast to same shape, and are at least 1-dimensional. _lon, _lat, _height = np.broadcast_arrays(,, # get geocentric coordinates. Have to give one-dimensional array. xyz = erfa.gd2gc(getattr(erfa, ellipsoid), _lon.ravel(), _lat.ravel(), _height.ravel()) self = xyz.view(cls._location_dtype, cls).reshape(lon.shape) self._unit = u.meter self._ellipsoid = ellipsoid return
[docs] def of_site(cls, site_name): """ Return an object of this class for a known observatory/site by name. This is intended as a quick convenience function to get basic site information, not a fully-featured exhaustive registry of observatories and all their properties. .. note:: When this function is called, it will attempt to download site information from the astropy data server. If you would like a site to be added, issue a pull request to the `astropy-data repository <>`_ . If a site cannot be found in the registry (i.e., an internet connection is not available), it will fall back on a built-in list, In the future, this bundled list might include a version-controlled list of canonical observatories extracted from the online version, but it currently only contains the Greenwich Royal Observatory as an example case. Parameters ---------- site_name : str Name of the observatory (case-insensitive). Returns ------- site : This class (a `~astropy.coordinates.EarthLocation` or subclass) The location of the observatory. See Also -------- get_site_names : the list of sites that this function can access """ registry = cls._get_site_registry() try: el = registry[site_name] except UnknownSiteException as e: raise UnknownSiteException(, 'EarthLocation.get_site_names', close_names=e.close_names) if cls is el.__class__: return el else: newel = cls.from_geodetic(*el.to_geodetic()) = return newel
[docs] def get_site_names(cls): """ Get list of names of observatories for use with `~astropy.coordinates.EarthLocation.of_site`. .. note:: When this function is called, it will first attempt to download site information from the astropy data server. If it cannot (i.e., an internet connection is not available), it will fall back on the list included with astropy (which is a limited and dated set of sites). If you think a site should be added, issue a pull request to the `astropy-data repository <>`_ . Returns ------- names : list of str List of valid observatory names See Also -------- of_site : Gets the actual location object for one of the sites names this returns. """ return cls._get_site_registry().names
@classmethod def _get_site_registry(cls, force_download=False, force_builtin=False): """ Gets the site registry. The first time this either downloads or loads from the data file packaged with astropy. Subsequent calls will use the cached version unless explicitly overridden. Parameters ---------- force_download : bool or str If not False, force replacement of the cached registry with a downloaded version. If a str, that will be used as the URL to download from (if just True, the default URL will be used). force_builtin : bool If True, load from the data file bundled with astropy and set the cache to that. returns ------- reg : astropy.coordinates.sites.SiteRegistry """ if force_builtin and force_download: raise ValueError('Cannot have both force_builtin and force_download True') if force_builtin: reg = cls._site_registry = get_builtin_sites() else: reg = getattr(cls, '_site_registry', None) if force_download or not reg: try: if isinstance(force_download, six.string_types): reg = get_downloaded_sites(force_download) else: reg = get_downloaded_sites() except six.moves.urllib.error.URLError: if force_download: raise msg = ('Could not access the online site list. Falling ' 'back on the built-in version, which is rather ' 'limited. If you want to retry the download, do ' '{0}._get_site_registry(force_download=True)') warn(AstropyUserWarning(msg.format(cls.__name__))) reg = get_builtin_sites() cls._site_registry = reg return reg @property def ellipsoid(self): """The default ellipsoid used to convert to geodetic coordinates.""" return self._ellipsoid @ellipsoid.setter def ellipsoid(self, ellipsoid): self._ellipsoid = _check_ellipsoid(ellipsoid) @property def geodetic(self): """Convert to geodetic coordinates for the default ellipsoid.""" return self.to_geodetic()
[docs] def to_geodetic(self, ellipsoid=None): """Convert to geodetic coordinates. Parameters ---------- ellipsoid : str, optional Reference ellipsoid to use. Default is the one the coordinates were initialized with. Available are: 'WGS84', 'GRS80', 'WGS72' Returns ------- (lon, lat, height) : tuple The tuple contains instances of `~astropy.coordinates.Longitude`, `~astropy.coordinates.Latitude`, and `~astropy.units.Quantity` Raises ------ ValueError if ``ellipsoid`` is not recognized as among the ones implemented. Notes ----- For the conversion to geodetic coordinates, the ERFA routine ``gc2gd`` is used. See """ ellipsoid = _check_ellipsoid(ellipsoid, default=self.ellipsoid) self_array =, np.ndarray) lon, lat, height = erfa.gc2gd(getattr(erfa, ellipsoid), self_array) return (Longitude(lon * u.radian,, wrap_angle=180.*, Latitude(lat * u.radian,, u.Quantity(height * u.meter, self.unit))
@property def longitude(self): """Longitude of the location, for the default ellipsoid.""" return self.geodetic[0] @property def latitude(self): """Latitude of the location, for the default ellipsoid.""" return self.geodetic[1] @property def height(self): """Height of the location, for the default ellipsoid.""" return self.geodetic[2] # mostly for symmetry with geodetic and to_geodetic. @property def geocentric(self): """Convert to a tuple with X, Y, and Z as quantities""" return self.to_geocentric()
[docs] def to_geocentric(self): """Convert to a tuple with X, Y, and Z as quantities""" return (self.x, self.y, self.z)
[docs] def get_itrs(self, obstime=None): """ Generates an `~astropy.coordinates.ITRS` object with the location of this object at the requested ``obstime``. Parameters ---------- obstime : `~astropy.time.Time` or None The ``obstime`` to apply to the new `~astropy.coordinates.ITRS`, or if None, the default ``obstime`` will be used. Returns ------- itrs : `~astropy.coordinates.ITRS` The new object in the ITRS frame """ return ITRS(x=self.x, y=self.y, z=self.z, obstime=obstime)
itrs = property(get_itrs, doc="""An `~astropy.coordinates.ITRS` object with for the location of this object at the default ``obstime``.""") @property def x(self): """The X component of the geocentric coordinates.""" return self['x'] @property def y(self): """The Y component of the geocentric coordinates.""" return self['y'] @property def z(self): """The Z component of the geocentric coordinates.""" return self['z'] def __getitem__(self, item): result = super(EarthLocation, self).__getitem__(item) if result.dtype is self.dtype: return result.view(self.__class__) else: return result.view(u.Quantity) def __array_finalize__(self, obj): super(EarthLocation, self).__array_finalize__(obj) if hasattr(obj, '_ellipsoid'): self._ellipsoid = obj._ellipsoid def __len__(self): if self.shape == (): raise IndexError('0-d EarthLocation arrays cannot be indexed') else: return super(EarthLocation, self).__len__()
[docs] def to(self, unit, equivalencies=[]): array_view = self.view(self._array_dtype, u.Quantity) converted =, equivalencies) return self._new_view(converted.view(self.dtype).reshape(self.shape), unit)
to.__doc__ =
# need to do this here at the bottom to avoid circular dependencies from .sites import get_builtin_sites, get_downloaded_sites